Monday, February 18, 2008

Obama's fools gold for sale!

As Obama continues to woo voters with his empty rehtoric, dems need to wake up, come out of this trance of "yes we can". I awoke a few weeks ago, when I saw that the media slant towards favoring Obama. This is media bias pro Obama. The media has promoted Obama, not examine him at all, they have pushed this "Obama" as if he were a gold nugget found out West during the gold rush.

You see Obama for nine (9) months have talked about hype, hope, change, etc, to his success I might add. Shall I ask this question Obama, "Can Obama expalin how he will talk and provide solutions on 'bread and butter issues' that have and are continuing to hurt average americans. Solutions do not come through hype, hope, change,etc, Obama, you should know better by now. Hillary is putting solutions on the table, with out this hype, hope, change you up message. Now she is giving people something to hope, change for.

Obama has been critical on any one attacking his message of Hope. Oh really Obama? Well, let me attack this message of "hope (deception)". You see deception all over this message when the average americans who lost their jobs in Ohio, Michigan, the Mid-West to hope that those jobs return. Here is a better one for you, give them hype with no solutions, and when they leave your rallies, they are scratching their heads, leaving hoping for their job or jobs to return. This hype that gives not one solution to underscore your message of "hope."

You are now on the trail saying that "healthcare reform, to be complete by your first term as president." 4 years Obama, give me a break, or are you hoping to get this done! Why not get this done in your first 100 days in office? Is this what you will call change, 4 years to complete an important issue such as healthcare reform? The American people deserve better, they deserve a plan with solutions. We will not hope for healthcare reform, revived economy, safer nation, etc. When we ask you what will you do for healthcare reform, revived economy, safer nation, etc, yes we can will not be the answer we are looking for. "Yes we can" will not; bring back lost jobs, improve our econmy, deter terrorists.

Let me be clear, durning the gold rush, many people packed up and moved west to find gold. This time around, many people have packed up and joined the Obama wagon.. in the days to come they will find out that this Obama gold they have claimed, will later be founded to be fools gold!

PS is Obama a cut and paste canidate.

Gayron Taylor

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Obama has turned away from black issues now that the patomic delegates have been awarded

Here is my email that I just sent to Tavis Smiley today.

Mr. Smiley:

I just want to thank you for putting African American issues front and center. You know I listened to you last week when you delivered a serve of notice to Presidential Candidates and only one of them had confirmed.

I thought for sure that Hillary, who had done so poorly among blacks, did not and would not confirm to appear on your forum that is up coming in a few weeks. Listening to you this week, finding that Obama, the supposed to be black candidate, promoting black issues, has reported not to attend. This is crazy! What does he mean, he is on a mission? It is the blacks that made him a competing candidate in South Carolina, and this is how he plays the game. I know that since most of the blacks have voted, this is how he thanks us.

I do not understand why Tom, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are not front and center on this mistake by Obama. I know they are playing politics, trying to help Obama and say that this does not matter. Now I tell you this, if Obama confirmed and Hillary did not, they would be all over this as if she said the “N” word. To me this is who Obama really is and this is who Hillary really is, as the day grows longer, this woman has taken a lot of heat and she is still standing. Hillary got my vote here in Florida. I have seen through the fake message of hype from Obama. Obama has talked about change but to what end. He has talked about hope, but what to hope for? This rhetoric is aimless.

I listened to Obama speak on Tuesday and his long drawn out speeches are getting tiring. They do not make since, no substance, and no hope. Hype and charismatic he is but his words are empty, cold, and hard to follow. Chris Mathews was quoted as saying “this sends a chill down my leg”. I would say “he sends a cold wave over my soul.”

Gayron Taylor

Monday, February 11, 2008

Obama, having it two ways on Iraq

Obama, Obama, having it two ways on Iraq?

Obama was not in the Senate in October of 2002. Yet he still runs on this "against the war" message.

Before Obama was sworn into the US Senate in 2005, he made this statement in July of 2004. Barack Obama: "I'm not privy to Senate intelligence reports...What would I have done? I don't know," he was later asked this question, in terms of how you would have voted on the war? Obama: "there's not much of a difference between my position and George Bush's position at this stage."

In 2007, Obama has won many of the delegates and he is now on the trail saying "we expect that John McCain may end up being the nominee. And if John McCain is the nominee, then the Democratic party has to ask itself 'Do you want a candidate who has similar policies to John McCain on the war in Iraq or someone who can offer a stark contrast?' See, when I am the nominee, McCain won’t be able to say that you were for this war in Iraq, because I wasn’t. He won’t be able to say that I followed the Bush-Cheney doctrine in not talking to leaders we don’t like because I don’t. He won’t be able to say that I went along and gave George Bush the benefit of a doubt on Iran because I haven’t. He won’t be able to say that I was unclear about my position on torture because I’ve been absolutely clear we never torture in this country. I can offer a clear and clean break from the failed policies of George W. Bush. I won’t have to explain my votes in the past." Why is that Obama? Oh yeah I remember, Obama was not in the Senate in 2002. But it's not the first time Obama has bounced around on Iraq. He regularly says he's against the Iraq war, for example, but when asked by the New York Times in July 2004 how he would have voted in 2002, he said, "What would I have done? I don't know." Fast forward to 2006 when he told the New Yorker's David Remnick that senators who saw intelligence reports on Iraq may have been justified in voting for the invasion. "I didn't have the benefit of U.S. intelligence," he said. "And, for those who did, it might have led to a different set of choices."

Obama has put out allegations on Hillary but let us address them one by one.

Obama begins by criticizing Hillary on Iraq. Sen. Obama does not mention that -- with the exception of Hillary's opposition to the promotion of Iraq war architect Gen. George Casey -- Sen. Obama and Hillary have identical voting records on the Iraq war.

Obama then misrepresents Hillary’s position on diplomacy. Hillary criticized Sen. Obama for pre-committing to a personal meeting in his first year with "with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea." She never said that a president should only meet with America's friends. She also promised vigorous diplomatic efforts with all countries, friend and foe.

Sen. Obama then misrepresents Hillary’s position on Iran. In fact, Hillary was one of the earliest and staunchest opponents of Bush’s saber rattling on Iran, and spoke out on the issue back in February:Hillary made a floor speech declaring that President Bush must get authorization from Congress before taking military action against Iran. Hillary co-sponsored the Webb bill prohibiting use of funds for military action in Iran without Congressional authorization. Sen. Obama missed the vote he is now using to attack Hillary. He issued a release 9 hours later and co-sponsored a similar bill in April. The bill was also supported by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), a staunch anti-war Bush critic and prominent Obama supporter. Read more here and here.

Sen. Obama accuses Hillary of changing her policy on torture due to ‘the politics of the moment.’ He couldn’t be more wrong. Hillary met with retired generals, talked with experienced military officers, and read reports commissioned by the Defense Intelligence Agency. She concluded that 'torture cannot be part of American policy, period.'

I was reading from an online blog this morning and a clip from Obama's book, Audacity of Hope: he points out,

For that is how most of my colleagues, republican and democrate, enter the Senate...their words distorted and their motives questioned.

Then what are you doing Obama. While running for Senate, Sen. Obama acknowledged that he took his anti-war speech off his campaign website, calling it "dated". Obama listen what you are doing is wrong, run a truthful campaign.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Does Obama have a surge?

Can some one tell me does Obama have a surge or the big "Mo". Time after time the Media has promoted Obama has the person that is a god that can save our party. Who is this Obama, let the media think for us, he is JFK, MLK, maybe God....

I will tell you who Obama is, Obama that is all. Obama will never come close to a JFK due to the fact, Kennedy was not a liberal as Obama himself has turned out to be. Kennedy was strong on international policy, Obama is not. For example, this policy of Obama to talk with rogue leaders of Iran, Cuba, etc., is crazy and radical. Based on Obama's policies, he would have used tax payers money to sit down and talk with Adolf Hitler of Germany. What would he have said to Hitler, "please do not kill any more jewish citizens." This is what you get with a person with no experience, good speeches, and hype. This Obama speaks with a fork tongue, let me build my case below.

On a different note, Obama has reported on the trail that when asked what is his weakness, he reported that he is not the best with keeping up with his speeches. He is right about that one, so that leads me to this question. Obama where are your missing records, while in the State Senate of IL? Tim asked Obama this question on Novemember 11, 2007. Obama must have lost his records of all he meet with while a State Senator. Hum some thing here is not right. What lobbyist did you meet up with Obama.

If you can not access this link, here is the transcrpit from that segment:

MR. RUSSERT: You talked about Senator Clinton having records released from the Clinton Library regarding her experience as first lady, and yet when you were asked about, “What about eight years in the state senate of Illinois,” you said, “I don’t know.” Where, where are the—where are your records?
SEN. OBAMA: Tim, we did not keep those records. I...
MR. RUSSERT: Are they gone?
SEN. OBAMA: Well, let’s be clear. In the state senate, every single piece of information, every document related to state government was kept by the state of Illinois and has been disclosed and is available and has been gone through with a fine-toothed comb by news outlets in Illinois. The, the stuff that I did not keep has to do with, for example, my schedule. I didn’t have a schedule. I was a state senator. I wasn’t intending to have the Barack Obama State Senate Library. I didn’t have 50 or 500 people to, to help me archive these issues. So...
MR. RUSSERT: But your meetings with lobbyists and so forth, there’s no record of that?
SEN. OBAMA: I did not have a scheduler, but, as I said, every document related to my interactions with government is available right now. And, as I said, news outlets have already looked at them.
MR. RUSSERT: Is your schedule available anywhere? Are—the records exist?
SEN. OBAMA: I—Tim, I kept my own schedule. I didn’t have a scheduler.
MR. RUSSERT: Senator Durbin, your colleague, publishes his schedule each day. Would you do that?
SEN. OBAMA: Well, you know, these days I have a public presidential schedule that I think everybody has access to.

Example 2, Obama says he has not taken money for lobbyists, well let us see....

MR. RUSSERT: You’ve been talking a lot about lobbyists and money in politics. This is The Boston Globe in August: in eight—“Obama’s eight years in the Illinois Senate, from 1996 to 2004, almost two-thirds of the money he raised for his campaigns came from” political action committees, “corporate contributions,” “unions, according to Illinois Board of Elections records. He tapped financial service firms, real estate developers, healthcare providers, oil companies, and many other corporate interests, the records show.” You now talk about, “Well, I’m not taking any money from lobbyists.” You do take money from state lobbyists. You took $1.5 million from federal lobbying—employees who work for federal lobbying firms. There seems to be a real inconsistency between the amount of money you raise and where it’s coming from, and your rhetoric.
SEN. OBAMA: Well, Tim, look, I, I have said repeatedly that money is the original sin in politics and I am not sinless. I have raised money in order to bankroll my campaigns. But what I have been consistent about is fighting to reduce the influence of money in politics at every level of government. I am the only candidate in this race who has really pushed hard to reduce the influence of lobbyists. When I was in the state legislature, I passed the first campaign ethics reform legislation in 25 years. When I was in the United States Senate working with Russ Feingold, we passed the toughest ethics reform since Watergate—eliminating meals, eliminating gifts, eliminating the use of corporate jets by congressmen when they’re given by lobbyists. So I’ve got this track record, and the way I’m conducting this campaign, I think, reflects that interest in reducing money in politics.
MR. RUSSERT: But it’s all new. You did it all this...
SEN. OBAMA: No, no, no, no, no. As I said, Tim, this interest, this support of public financing of campaigns, the support of changing the ethics rules, promoting robust disclosure when it comes to how campaigns are financed, those are all laws that I have written and I have passed. So my commitment extends beyond just not taking lobbyists’ money and taking PAC money. It’s absolutely true that, in the past, there have been times where I received lobbyist and PAC money. But the interest in reducing money in politics is one that has been consistent and that I have consistently fought against. And that, I think, is the kind of track record, of being willing to take on not only Republicans, but oftentimes taking on leaders in my own party who are resistant to change that I think gives me credibility to say when I am president I am actually going to take this seriously and use my political capital to deal with it.
MR. RUSSERT: But if you say you don’t take federal lobbyist but you take state lobbyist money...
SEN. OBAMA: Well, Tim...
MR. RUSSERT: ...or you take money from people who work for federal lobbying firms, or you take $2 million from people who work on Wall Street or hundreds of thousands of dollars from people who work in pharmaceutical companies, isn’t it just a word game?

Obama is a politician that talks the same old stuff, none the less he is has a new address, it is D.C. Thus, Obama has lied to America and the media have taken the bait and defending his 2004 speech saying “he did not know how he would have voted on the resolution authorizing the war.” Can someone tell me (since we are so dumb to believe this) how is this contrast to what Obama is saying now to what he said ohhhhh 2-3 years ago? It is a lie, Obama has pointed fingers at others but he is not in a position to point fingers. Obama will never be a MLK or JFK because Obama’s words and rhetoric is aimless.
How can Obama have the audacity to call for hope, even change for that matter; I ask hope for what or better yet “change” what? Feel good speeches are good but you are inspiring to what end Obama? Obama you are a lie and signify nothing!

Gayron Taylor